Sunday, November 9, 2014

My 20th Birthday

Yesterday, my friends here provided me with one of the best birthdays I can remember. I love them all so much!!

When I woke up, I encountered my door covered in artwork, spelling Happy Birthday with aspects of all my favorite things! (There was even the burning couch from Herodotus, thanks to Sweet Mary!) I was so touched, and realized that these wonderful people actually listen and pay attention to my crazy, bizarre monologues!

Then I noticed a lovely little Christmas tree on top of the fridge complete with gifts underneath, including a Mario Brothers Question Mark Box, courtesy of Bea, and a beautiful card from my roommate, Sarah. Sweet Mary wrapped her gift in graph paper which she meticulously drew butterflies all over!

I went to a Tridentine Low Mass at noon, where my friend Dana joined me. Mass was exquisitely beautiful, and I was so thrilled to receive the ultimate gift of my Lord's entire Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

That afternoon Carina and Bea hung out in my room while I tidied up (which was muchly needed! My poor roommate is so patient and kind with my clutter ineptitude). Then I opened my gifts: a beautiful silver butterfly ornament from Sweet Mary, with bright sapphire glitter, which I hung on my wall; a lovely travel mug from Molly; and cappuccino k-cups and a book of cat poetry called I Could Pee on This from Bea. (After doing some dishes) we enjoyed my new cappuccino and read aloud from my new poetry, then played a highly amusing Victorian Parlour Game.

I had hoped to order pizza that evening and spend it watching a movie, but Carina and Bea indicated that their cash supplies were running low and that they really had work to do that evening, so we agreed to meet at the Caf for dinner together and then get some work done. Maybe we could do something later after getting work done.

Bea came to walk with me to dinner, and on the way there we encountered Star Wars Liz, saying she needed our help to kidnap Sweet Mary and drag her to dinner. She was playing the homework card, as usual. I yelled down her hallway that she had to come to dinner, it was my birthday and she had no choice. We easily swayed her, and then Liz remembered that she wanted to show me the movie room upstairs, since I'd never been there. We climbed the stairs, followed the confusing hallway, and I was presented with a door thoughtfully decorated with these signs:

                    "I'm happy on your birthday because you're one year closer to being dead"

                       "Happy Birthday! As you're getting older let us know if you feel lonely!"

                I was then fully shocked to find my wonderful friends all congregated to meet me!!

Planned well in advance, we partook of Domino's pizza, soda, hummus with veggies and pita bread (YUM!) and they presented me with a rice crispie cake! John-Damian sang a dreadful birthday song and gave me an original short story as a gift.

We watched one of my favorite movies, The Count of Monte Cristo, courtesy of David (thank you!!). We ate rice crispie cake, and then watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I. All in all, it was an incredibly relaxing, meaningful, and memorable day. I am so grateful for these people that God put into my life!!

Thank you once again Bea, Sweet Mary, Star Wars Liz, Carina, Molly, John-Damian, and David, and everyone else who made me feel so blessed and beloved this week!

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